This woman has performed her sacred duty to feminize her white husband, turning the former whiteboi into a docile cockslut for the Black Nation. For good measure, she has also castrated it, permanently marking it as property of superior Blacks.
By proving her loyalty to the cause, she has earned her citizenship in the Nation, and may officially apply to become a Black Breeder.

In a female led cuckold marriage and my dominant sexy wife has told me that she is going to have me castrated, I am very happy to do it, she is trying to find out where/ if she can get it done in NYC area
You can buy cattle castration device and wife can put the the ring around yours balls, you should be drunk while it happens
I’m in a female led cuckold marriage and I would like to have testicles removed, my dominant sexy wife is very excited that I agreed to her request, now we are going to have to find someone to perform the castration
Wife wants me castrated, she is black bred, I looking for someone to castrate me as my gift to her and many bbc breeders.
Thank You GOD, My WIFE Just Cut MY Balls OFF
my wife made sure I was chemical castrated
Count me in, the only balls I need are on the black men I serve.
Very appealing in deed!
this is just 3 beautiful pictures. way more women should castrate their husbands to serve the black community. I for one offer up my balls to them.